My [29M] Fiance [29F] is upset that I was watching porn during sex, even though we watch porn together during sex - not sure how to make things right.

Also, don't pay attention to the comments telling you to stop masturbating. It's ridiculous and based on a lots of misconceptions.

I can't believe you are the bottom most comment on this thread. This entire comment is exactly what I was thinking, OP's gf is fucking nuts. Getting mad at someone for masturbating is beyond unreasonable. And I cannot believe the amount of people advocating to stop watching porn and to stop masturbating. I just OP has the sense to ignore all those comments. I lost a little respect for this subreddit after reading some of the top comments blaming all of OP's issues on porn and masturbation and not even touching the fact that the gf is totally unreasonable.

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