My (30 F) fiancé (27 M) knows that I have PTSD, and still won't stop scaring me on purpose.

I escaped my husband finally just a year ago. I was preparing to divorce him over 7 years ago, and then got terribly ill. I couldnt work, and I was very weak physically. He used that opportunity to isolate me from friends. He knew my family was useless. He actually ganged up on me with my family to berate and disrespect me. Its no shocker that I ended up with an abusive fuck since I was surrounded by them as my family. But once I got sick, he got really violent. And I would call the police because he assaulted me. The cops would come, and he would run outside and tell them that I was mentally ill and having an "episode" and they would come in the house and taunt me, and treat me like trash. And he would close the door behind them after they left and tell me, "see, no one can help you, you belong to me". I got a new medication for a another condition I was diagnosed with and somehow it made me feel better, just enough. I escaped to a family members home. I had PTSD. What did that family member do? Berate me, call me a liar and a faker, and a welfare faker (not on welfare, so?". And then she would smile. Smile, when I would shake and cry. And she would do it more. She did it in front of friends and other family, and the other family would join in. Know what happened? Ive cut every one of those fuckers out of my life. And my kids life. My divorce should be final in about a month or so. And I dont plan on having anything to do with those losers ever again. People that do that stuff, they are faking their "belief" in you. They pretend to be caring, and loving to get what they want. Someone that wants you to be emotionally scared and terrified, they dont love you. And I bet if you got into brass tacks, and started going through the red flags list, you are going to find a high number of them if you are honest and reflect on them.

TL:DR:Simply put, people that really care dont want you to be in pain. Its not something that they are entertained by.

/r/relationships Thread