My (30/F) nephew (14/M) was made aware of the fact that he is my biological son.

First of all, I have never asked to be his parent. I gave him up because I wanted a better life for him, which SIL and brother had said they could provide and had adamantly pushed for. Particularly SIL.

Defending my nephew and acknowledging the irrational and inexcusable things that his mother said to him, isn't acting "high and mighty". Her behaviour that night was out of line and I'm not going to pretend otherwise to spare her feelings. She has always looked down on me and now her insecurities are coming to light. That is her fault and I sincerely hope she gets help before she burns whatever bridges in her life are left.

I may not know what it's like to raise a child but I remember what it was like to be one, especially a child that was raised by a toxic parent whose words still absolutely sting all these years later.

/r/relationships Thread Parent