My(30F) boomer Christian father found my Reddit account and found out Im bi

Glad he changed his views.

When I had a feeling my son was gay I knew he might have fears telling me so I slowly and I think quite stealthy let him know it was ok. I have a habit of yelling and talking to youtube videos (especially politically based ones) I know they can't hear me LOL but even so I like putting my 2cents in. When my son was in the room I would pull up videos about different sexuality issues like parents disowning their children for being gay. I would scream at the screen (I'm not crazy I swear lol) I would say things like, "your job is to love your child not judge them!" and things like that. Sometimes it would spark conversations with my son and I would say things like "I don't understand being attracted to the same sex, my brain tells me its man woman but I don't need to understand it all I need to understand is, is that person happy, do they wake up and smile at the person lying next to them". This went on for quite awhile, not all the time just every now and than, I didn't want him to catch on I just wanted him to know how I felt about it and make sure he knew that when he was ready to tell me, he had nothing to worry about. It worked and when he told me it wasn't him sitting there scared or ashamed, it's was just an absolute statement and absolute acceptance. I also did the video thing and conversations when my other kids were there also so that I could try and instill that way of thinking in to them as well. None of them batted and eye when they found out about their brother, nothing changed other than knowledge of his preference.

/r/bisexual Thread Link -