My (32f) husband (32m) together 6 years. He's upset that I'm not a "Pinterest" mom and my life doesn't revolve around our child.

I didn't think anyone really cared to see your standard issue baby in 500 different poses

Roger got angry because I share pictures all the time of the cat and dog. They have an instagram with over 900,000 followers.

I don't have any advice for you, but I just wanted to let you know that you are a goddess among mere mortals. You have no idea how many mundane baby pics my friends post daily, and I just do not care. Great yes you have a child. Oh, they're apple picking? No, they're in a car seat, while you apple pick. I also have an insta account for my dog. :-)

Maybe something you could tell him is that you're worried about posting pics of your baby on social media because you never know who is out there looking at them? Lots of weirdos lurk around and many moms are weary of livestreaming their kids every fucking waking minute because internet safety.

You're just not that into babies, which is fine. My cousin has a toddler now, but when he was a newborn, everyone would tell her "oh couldn't you just look at him for hours!" and she would say "no, not really." Now that he's a little older and can actually do stuff, play games, do puzzles... she's more into it. She also rarely posts pics, and when she does, you can't see his face, because internet safety.

/r/relationships Thread