My (32F) Wonderful Devoted Boyfriend(33) of 7 months suddenly acting avoidant to discussing issues

This is why Long-Distance relationships are not advisable. I realize he's not literally that long-distance but living in another state creates a lot of other issues.

Also, trust what he demonstrates his personality to me, more than what he says he values. It doesn't mean he's intentionally lying. He might be lying to himself more than you. Most people aren't that self-aware and even those of us who are still have blind spots.

I'm sorry this isn't your guy. This is what dating is for, to find out if you're compatible for the long run. You two clearly don't have matching values or life goals. And he also doesn't seem to care much about your life goals. It also sounds like he might be the type to keep score, which isn't helpful in relationships.

In the words of Maya Angelou, "When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time."

/r/datingoverthirty Thread