My [33F] husband [36M] doesn't want our 4 year old son playing with Barbie dolls?

Not to mention that comment has such a sadly simplistic view of being tough vs being weak

I'm a dude who grew up watching Gilmore Girls and Veronica Mars. I also have ten years of martial arts experience, watch football every weekend, loves riding motorcycles, is a pretty damn good shot with pistols, and can fix practically anything in a car or a house. Oh and I can still quote almost any iconic Gilmore Girls scene from memory.

Putting masculinity in a box like that is stupid. It assumes that people are so simplistic that they're only capable of a black-or-white choice and this might be news to you, but most people are way smarter than that. It also wrongly assumes that masculinity=tough and femininity=weak.

I've met plenty of strong women that get hit in life and get back up (and sparred against several of them). I've met plenty of guys with lifted trucks who bitch and cry when the slightest thing goes wrong or completely shuts down when everything isn't going perfectly in their life because they're too weak to adapt.

Not everyone is as simplistic as you.

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