My (37F) Mom (76F) died and my husband (37M) won’t take time off work.

Short answer, no and if you are, it's not justified. Long answer, hell no and still, not justified.

I understand that this is a very traumatising time for you and you need support but try to look at it from another perspective

When you work as a chef, you need to give notice weeks or even months in advance sometimes because restaurants are almost always short on staffs. This is especially so during this period of covid. They give a limited amount of time for your husband to work, so if he decides to take time off work, this will just mean no income for the whole time he takes time off. If he doesn't work where are you going to get the money to raise your kids from, especially considering you aren't working.

You also stated that sometimes he is the only one cooking, that means his workplace is severely understaffed. If he doesn't work, the restaurant more then likely cannot open because last minute arrangements aren't always 100%. Also, for all you know this might cause him his job.

/r/relationships Thread