My (46F) husband (47M) secretly resents our daughter (14F) because she is not good enough

I guess you could apologise to him for not giving birth to a clone and instead had a small person with their own identity and feelings.

My 14yr old daughter regularly looks like she's been dragged through a hedge backwards but she's a good person. Loyal, ready to listen to her friends troubles, willing to help her teachers out with new students. A good person. Smart and hilarious.

It's a shame your husband has focused on looks and outward social markers instead of bothering to find out if your child is happy, friendly and generally decent as a human being.

I wasn't aware that not brushing your hair meant you were undeserving of love and respect.

Your husband is trash to think of her the way he does. It doesn't say much to his character when he criticises a child for superficial crap.

/r/relationships Thread