My [50F] mom thinks I [20F] should break up with my boyfriend [19M]. What should I do?

Frankly, your dear mother is being selfish and intrusive with her audible opinions of your relationship. She may very well be right about the kid, but you're a grown up now, and have the freedom to make your own choices. She's simply not looking out for your happiness, but hers.

However correct she may be is irrelevant. The fastest way to grow up is to learn harsh lessons on your own, something she clearly fails to recognize.

Also, I am pretty sick of the double standard against men. We're seen as undate-able if we don't have every aspect of our lives in order. But if a girl wants to drop out of college and get knocked up, effectively giving up her dreams in the name of not having to work anymore, it's totally socially acceptable. The pressure on men to make money is so unfair. Rant over.

/r/relationships Thread