My abuser died and I'm happy

Simply replying here for a better chance of you to read it. I read the other 2 post you've made about this event.

It's fine you are glad he's gone. It's ok to be happy about no longer being bullied. You don't have to feel saddness from his death.

However, blurting out you're glad he's dead dosnt help anyone at all. He was an asshole to you and a few other kids. But he was also someone's boyfriend, and he was someone's child and grandchild. You don't need to feel saddness for his passing but you could show empathy to those who did love him. I was horribly bullied through school but when one of those bullied killed himself I simply kept my mouth shut. I was happy to be relieved of that bully but seeing his friends and mom (who was a teacher) go through losing someone they loved was heart breaking.

/r/offmychest Thread