My Alien Encounter

This is an experience that I had when I was very young. I have no pictures or anything because it was so long ago. Every time I tell people of this experience they say it may of been a vivid dream or my imagination. But to me the event and memory feels very real. When I was about 8 or 9 I took a vacation with my family to Lake Mary Ronan (I live in Montana. So that's a lake in Montana) And rented a cabin. My Grandparents rented a separate cabin, from my parents, and aunt and uncle.

One night (I think it was the 3rd or 4th night we stayed) I was in my grandparents cabin. People were in there with me. My grandma. And my brother and cousin were there also. They stepped out for a minute, to my parents cabin. And after about 10 minutes of them being gone I got up from whatever I was doing to look out of the window.

When I looked out of the window I unexpectedly saw what looked like a grey alien. It was about my height at the time. a little taller. So maybe like 5 foot. It had black eyes, they were deep, and reflected a lot. Grey skin. I stared at it for about 5 seconds, I was in shock. At the time my grandma was the only person in the room with me. I didn't really tell her. (she was busy reading a book.) But after staring at this thing, I walked backwards,to my grandma, keeping eye contact. It didn't really make me feel scared. But I was in shock so I wasn't really talking to it or my grandma. When I got to my grandma, I gave her a hug and buried my face into her robe and looked back up, and it was gone. I never left my grandmas side that night. And nothing ever bad happened to me and it never hurt me.

I'm 19 almost 20 now. And I recently befriended my cousin when I was 18. One night I asked him if he or my brother pull

You are welcome

/r/aliens Thread