My SO and I are moving in together. How should we handle the finances?

My SO moved in with me in May and we are about to find a new place together in September, great timing for a post! Some great advice in the comments, just wanted to chime in with our thoughts/plan.

In June, we moved cross-country for his job. I left my job and am currently on the job hunt, so current income is $0, but I expect to eventually get a role that will put us at relatively equal earnings.

We opened a joint account and both contribute equal amounts to it. This is great for utilities and rent! Ideally, going into the future, I'd also like to use this to fund groceries, eating out, etc. but we don't really do that right now because we're trying to take advantage of CC reward points. We usually just alternate who pays and it works out--this is something that has become more sensitive to me lately because I don't have a job ATM, so I think what I'd like to do is still charge to personal CCs for points, but then just transfer than amount from our joint account into personal accounts. It seems a bit picky and I know my SO doesn't care as much as I do, but that would be my ideal plan.

We've split rent 50/50 for the past few months, but we are moving into a more expensive place (current place is getting renovated so was underpriced for the area and only temporarily available). For the time being, we will be splitting rent pretty much 75/25 until I get a job. This is pretty much in line with what he would have to pay for his own place, I'm paying the difference. Groceries, etc. will continue to be split 50/50. I'm comfortable and happy with this arrangement. We haven't discussed if I will pay him back during this time or anything, but we'll see. Hoping I can learn a little something from other comments in this thread too!

Good luck to you and your SO!

/r/personalfinance Thread