My asshole boyfriend cheated on me, for every upvote I’ll ignore another one of his texts and have another sip of gin

Completely agree. I tried taking my ex back 8 months after she cheated on me. It lasted a week because I could never trust her again after that. Not in the way you need to trust someone you spend your life with.

That doubt is always there.

“Does she really love me? Is she going to do it again? She’s out with her friends which is what she said she was doing when she cheated, is she cheating again?”

The thing that sucks is these questions still pop up in my head even wit my new GF. She doesn’t deserve that, and I never act on those thoughts or truly believe them in any way. It just really sucks that I have those thoughts at all. She’s so helpful with my trust issues that I have from my ex. If anyone has any advice on how to either stop these thoughts or deal with them in a better way than just pushing them away that’d be nice. Our relationship isn’t affected by it at all, but I am.

Sorry for the rant. This is just a sensitive topic for me and I get carried away talking about it sometimes, it kinda helps

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