My attempt at defending SwordArt Online. Thought maybe someone here might appreciate.

While i do support arkada i support /u/aincradknightnatlis opinon about the review, but i would like to ad that many reviews has the same problems.

When i tried lol (as youve played it) i feel in love. I played for so much and eventualy was league (quite literaly) above my freinds hitting diamond after starting s2. I got left behind by them because they felt jealous most likely because when i jonied them they were the ones going 31/5/0 with zed, darius, yasuo and other snowbally champions. But what they did not understand was that there are more things of being good at something with things such as practise, learning, predictions, being serious and LOTS OF TIME. Eventually when my advice and help did not get them to their wished rank (i.e diamond or even challenger), but gold they just gave up on me even though i was helping just because they thought they themself were the reasons and not me or others around them. After that i felt some reasonable depression as i was the smart quiet kid at school that really noone liked that well.

Anyway after finding the food wars manga then discovering it had an adaptation and having watched that as my first whole watched anime i decided that after FMA and Cowboy Bepop i would go to Sao as it was just that controversial everywhere i tried to watch anime. I watched it and after i was done i really was blank a week forward. THis show really just hit me so hard. Why because it was a show that felt like it was meant for me with its plot. It made me way more happy and apricitive of myself and helped me from the slump i had hit.

So as the naive 14 year old kid i was then i just wanted to see what other people though and i went to youtube and you can guess what i saw. ¨ After having myself thinking im a fool, idiot, moron etc for thinking that i found something like this good i started watching these extremly high ranked anime to have a comparison but i just stopped for most of them because i did not enjoy them or found the manga/other sources better or i found the story boring for me at least.

Meanwhile irl my wrist got an injury and after getting zero help from a physical theraphist i searched the net and found reddit. While at first i only saw post from r/fitness, bwf and flexebility i soon realzied that there were subreddits for so much both good things and stupid things and so i decided to find this subreddit. I found it and the first thing i saw on the front page was an apology from a reddit user who had gone quite been flaming other people on this reddit. After seeing that thread i really got a good feeling for this place and well the very next day i saw a thread about a guy asking about the hate and his love for the series etc with the complaints he got from big names and other places. And as an answer i think ZeHaffen basicly shut down 90% of the arguments straight up with his own. This slowly opend me up to leaving the hive mind mentality and forming my own opinions that really just got me to be a better person.

So now that i finally am over with my little story/rant what i mean to say by that is that a person or reviewer in this case has his own opionions and his perceptions is not yours but his/hers. Arkada said in both his s1 and s2 reviews that people are really into the role playing aspect in Alo and Ggo. Well he said why at the start of the video, they just want a break of real life and go to a place where they can be who ever they want. Just like im am the quiet good at almost everything guy that is tall, quite lean and that has good grades (but good for me im socialy awkward and that makes many people ignore me most of the time). But go out of school or cities where i know noone and to soccer where i am the goalkeeper of my team where i have to more or less order around the guys around me giving pep talks and adivce while trying to keep myself in check as when a goal goes in im the guy getting falmed at and while that is something i can deal with, the fact that i let in a goal itself is quite the mental blow for most people. Then in basket where i know almost everybody i can crack jokes and enjoy myself without anything really to stress me. But lastly when i get home and sit in front of my computer i am a completly diffrent guy. I am not the perfect student anymore, but just a passionet gamer that loves a good game that is for me.

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