My attention span sucks and I can never stay motivated

How old are you? I believe you should not try to stay focused for some time and try everything you can to learn and or play with. After many years of experience you start identifying patterns in some of the things you would be excited with years before but have enough experience to ignore them now. Say, this new framework is an iteration of an old stupid idea - not wasting time on it. This speaker is a dumbass (and I remember his talks) and not wasting time on him. This book is crap and I know it, ignoring it. This idea sucks because I tried it before and it was a complete waste. You get easily overwhelmed with information and your experience serves you as a funnel to ignore things that can be safely ignored.

It is a part of growing up/improving in any area and becoming a better professional. You don't want to be stubborn and keep going in the wrong direction. Realizing the direction is wrong, rejecting your ideas and moving on is part of this necessary learning process. That's how you get better at something.

I stopped working on hundreds of projects. I realize that I am more interested in technical side of things and as soon as I solve a technical problem I am not interested in launching the actual product any more. It was part of me learning. Now I can solve most of technical problems easily so I am actually moving to a different level of thinking - delivering something that satisfy other people needs, not my desire for programming and delivering a technically smart pile of useless code.

/r/gamedev Thread