My best friend (30M) just confessed his feelings for me (30F). I don't know what to do.

Again, sorry about that, but I thought throwing at directly at you might help you reflecting on it.

Also, as much as I get your first points, where you are not sure if your values and goals are the same. You write "I THINK we dont fit", but I guess you talked about those things and thats why you know your visions dont fit?!

But I still dont get the "I am the Problem" thing. 1. You dont know If he can live with your behavior or not you just assume, because it's easier to actually try and see.

  1. If you know the problems(stubborn, etc...) but you still can not work on it for a good functioning relationship, you also dont think the relationship is worth it to work on yourself, because of things concerning HIM and not you.
/r/relationship_advice Thread