My best friend fucked my crush

When I was younger this happened to me once and I can confidently tell you: He is not a good friend to you and you should not trust him anymore.

I’m not saying cut contact, hate him, punch him or anything like that but he is not someone you can trust or think of as a best friend.

A real friend would not have done this, ignore people saying that its your fault for not making your move because that is not important here, the thing is there are plenty of girls out there and this dude went on to have sex with the only girl you talked to him about, he couldn’t care enough about how you feel, he cared more about getting laid. Thats basic friendship right there, putting your friends first before your own desires.

Don’t fight him don’t do anything just get some distant from him and move on, you will meet many other girls so don’t sweat it, it will be alright. Let the pain go away with time.

/r/teenagers Thread