My bf jerked off earlier today and I really want to know the details! It turns me on a lot but he’s shy.. I’m nervous from past partners that it’s porn or other ppl and he’s too insecure to share which would feel awful!

Ohh. It could cause sperm overflow. Also heightened testosterone which is a hormone that makes you aroused and if they don’t masturbate long enough then it could cause big time aggression and builds up how horny you get if you don’t get any action or just masturbate. The biggest problem is also blue balls. I heard if you go a long time without sex or masturbating then when you finally decide to after so long the chances are higher with blue balls. I might’ve wrong though. I’ve heard many thing s about it but he does what he can in order to not go through these things. Specially when you says he’s felt aroused and didn’t do anything about it back then and just let it slide.

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