My boyfriend [19M] is furious that I [20F] canceled our weekly date night--thus breaking tradition--because I got mono.

He's being a child and not worth it. You have done so much to make up for it, when you shouldn't have in the first place. He either should have accepted it as "oh well, we will make up for next week" or "oh man that sucks. Get better soon!"

Shit, I literally got mono right when I started dating my now bf. I was horrible. I was wheezing, blowing my nose every 3 minutes, lost my voice, and overall just a mess. I had to cancel on a date and apologized profusely. He told me there was absolutely no need to apologize and that he could bring me food. I told him I was contagious and a mess (he never saw me without makeup and I havent showered omggg). He said "no problem, be there in 30". He gave me pho and watched me eat. He told me all he wanted was to see me. That's how a partner should treat you. Maybe they dont have to come over when you're super sick, but at least they should try to show they care!!

You're boyfriend ain't shit and has the amount of feelings a thumbtack has.

/r/relationships Thread