My boyfriend [35/m] and I [32/f] might have fundamental compatibility issues. I'm tired of being the one that needs all the "fixing." Am I too broken to be in this relationship?

No, you don’t need to flirt or give a guy a blow job so don’t bother with this fuck stick. What you should question is if this guy is a good fit for you instead of if you are a good fit for him. Are you both a good fit for each other. It’s been 8 years and you shouldn’t feel insecure after all that time. He admits to not supporting you. If he isn’t taking steps to change that, he may not love you as much as you want to believe. Life doesn’t guarantee anything. If you couldn’t imagine yourself talking to him or treating him the way he’s treating you on the down time then you probably have fundamental differences on how you both truly view love and relationships. It doesn’t mean you can’t work through it, that’s what relationships are but you have to be honest and instead of letting little fester. Seems like you are in a very passive aggressive relationship where you aren’t saying what you really feel and you’re both probably afraid to after 8 years because the truth might hurt and old habits are hard to break. The only way you’ll ever know true love is by showing someone who you truly are. The rest is just a manipulation of reality and accepting what we think we deserve. Just ask him if he thinks you’re good enough. If he says no, it doesn’t mean you did anything wrong. 8 years from now he could end up on the balls of his ass. It doesn’t mean you aren’t good enough, it might just mean that you value things differently.

/r/relationship_advice Thread