I think my boyfriend cheated on me.

I think I might've said something in a way that didn't land quite right. I didn't tell him not to hang out with Tyler. When the fight was happening, he told me that if Tyler was going to act like this, they couldn't be friends. He was first to decide that he didn't want to be friends with Tyler, and then I thought if he wasn't going to be friends with him, I wouldn't either anymore. But I didn't tell him to stop hanging out with him or to stop being friends with him, and that's why he hasn't.

I was fine with their friendship, but things started getting weird and now I feel uncomfortable with it. I expressed that, and he didn't really react. I also didn't react badly to their friendship, I just told him that it seemed inappropriate to share a bed. I asked him how he'd feel if I was friends with someone who had treated him that way, and he couldn't really answer.

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