My boyfriend doesn't want me to upload any pictures of myself online

Hey stranger.. I see alot of comments like "leave him.." "start of something" etc w/o having any context whatsoever..

This behaviour is very prevalent in justabout any Hindu/Muslim/conservative nations which still have alot of macho in them i.e. Russia.. Understand that just 20 years ago posting even selfimages would've been quite a rarity especially within these nations.. now they've 'advanced' to that and so has the "west" to normalizing skimpy dresses/ass all out as a normal day-to-day upload.. alongside OFans etc.

Now, I don't know your background but just FYI, understand that the Reddit crowd is heavily left leaning and atheistic by nature so understand that despite the mass up/downvotes, the opinions are mostly of like-minded folks that are far ahead on the indoctrination scale.. alotta purple haired types round here iykwin... I'm sure you can sense the "empowerment" just via the downvotes asking legit questions. The fact that you think they're legit as they downvote you to oblivion w/o providing a legit response is an indication of the types you're dealing with. I can guarantee if you held a questionnaire/poll through your city the feedback would be drastically different & not so black/white.. these forums attract certain types of individuals.. keep that in mind.

Btw, by 'West', I mean wherever the propaganda of Hollywood touches first/most which then permeates around the world. Goodbye!

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread Parent