My boyfriend is highly against me not giving our potential kids my last name

I think it’s hilarious that on every single damn post in the subreddit how extreme the responses can be about a human being doing human things, as if we weren’t all drawn to this subreddit due to our own faults and misunderstandings at some point in our own personal relationships. Honestly, if you can’t empathize and remove yourself from the thought that every relationship isn’t your ideal situation; if you can’t sit here and understand the values of cultures you don’t live inside; if you can’t accept that some relationships actually ARE great but have one sided traditions or unbalanced arguments and beliefs- why the fuck are you here?

To OP - your quarrel is valid and worth talking about with the person you love. Don’t let the people in this subreddit who want to call your person names, pick apart your words and make them worse than they are, etc. deter you from having mature and honest conversations. Set your boundaries, accept if they aren’t accepted and move on to the next step with respect for yourself first.

/r/relationships Thread