I know my boyfriend is in love with me but he's also very curious about being with men... I don't need advice per se but more just to vent...

it’s not ignored by any means …. i just truly don’t know what else i can do other then to break up and it’s not what i want …. it’s not what he wants …. i’m scared if we break up it’ll leave him alone to figure this out and it worries me … i’m not saying i’m okay with it but i feel like by being with me and how much i’ve accepted and love him , it’s like easier to be sneaky bc his reason is “i don’t want you to see me like this …. i don’t want you to see me differently and be ashamed…. i’m ashamed of myself and for feeling this way sometimes”

it’s not my cross to bear but he’s the love of my life … i don’t know how to not want to be there for him but i just truly can’t take anymore secrets .

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread Parent