My boyfriend makes me feel like shit over League, am I being too sensitive?

I don’t think you’re being too sensitive. Your feelings are valid and I think his are too but I think his way of expressing them is super toxic and is not okay. I understand if he wants to help you improve at league but pointing out all of your mistakes or saying things like “it’s always bot” is not the way to do it. You can never help someone get better at the game if you’re constantly telling them they’re the problem and then making them apologize for ruining the game. You can’t expect a p1 support main to be on the same level as a d3 mid laner. They’re completely different and you know that. Don’t feel upset if your macro isn’t to his standards.

Every relationship handles playing games, or in this case, league together differently. My boyfriend and I don’t duo or play ranked together because our personalities clash when we play competitive games and it’s not healthy for us so we choose not to play together. We play TFT and aram but that’s it. If the relationship is based solely on duoing together then you should probably ask him where his priority lies because him being upset that you suggested not to duo together is a red flag to me.

At the end of the day, you both should be enjoying your time together playing the game, not left feeling angry and bitter because of a game. If ranked is too competitive, maybe try playing norms or aram. There needs to be a line where he cannot cross and he needs to know that if he wants things to be healthy and happy.

Toxicity is difficult to cure but it’s not impossible. I hope things work out for you. I apologize if my opinions offended you, I’m just trying to state my opinions on the subject because it’s something I’ve dealt with and still dealing with here and there. I’m sure he’s a lovely person outside of the competitive toxicity but his behavior is not okay and your feelings are 100% valid and you’re not being too sensitive.

/r/GirlGamers Thread