My boyfriend has no common sense? And it's driving us apart

Gay/Straight relationships have extremely different dynamics. They're similar in the sense that general advice works across both genders, but when we get to the itty-gritty details they are vastly different.

What it seems like you need to do is sit him down and tell him how you feel without just yelling at him when he does something you find wrong. You need to do this in a way where you don't raise your voice or start a fight. He can't read your mind and you can't read his; if you understood his actions and knew the situation, you wouldn't be here.

Introspection isn't putting yourself in someone else's shoes, but staying in your own and understanding your own emotions and actions. It's realizing the bad part of you and fixing it while amplifying the good part of yourself. In this case, it seems like you have some serious micromanaging skills and you continue to attack people on this thread who are trying to help you. You call your boyfriend retarded and expect him to heel. That's not how relationships work. Sometimes what may seem like an attack is something you should maybe consider as advice first.

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