my boyfriend of seven years doesn’t want to have sex with me anymore

“What do I do?”

I know it seems so complicated. You’ve been together a giant portion of your life. It seems like he’s EVERYTHING. I get that. I’ve been there.

But currently you have zero frame of reference. You’re just blindly accepting this pretty shitty situation because you’ve invested so much time in it.

I cannot even explain to you how amazingly freeing it is to drop the HS boyfriend that isn’t fulfilling your needs and finally being able to fly. It takes being brave though. And maybe you’re not ready. But I can tell you this isn’t going to get better. So you either just live this sad existence, you sacrifice your morality and become a cheater or you do the right thing and leave this relationship in the past so you can FINALLY start living.

I know you don’t want to hear it. You think magically it will just be better. Maybe there is some special pill or some amazing seduction technique that will change everything. There isn’t. Your boyfriend is telling you quite blatantly that sex is not something he is interested in. Listen to him. Believe him. If you stay where you are sex is always (as it has always been for you) a point of contention and you will always feel badly about that.

You’re far too young to resign to a life like that. You’re an attractive girl? You’ll be swimming in dick if you wanted to be. You play the field and eventually find a guy to settle down with who DOES care about sex and satisfying you.

Imagine your boyfriend has been a guild. He guided you through hs and showed you you’re a sensual person who loves physical affection and touching. He helped you see this because he can’t give it to you. This relationship wasn’t worthless- it taught you an extremely important lesson in life, and for that you should be thankful for him. Now, send him in his way to go make some other girl feel like a loser and unattractive.

/r/sex Thread