My boyfriend thinks I'm overreacting

My boyfriend's dad is a physician as well. One week ago, on last Thursday, he socialized with his handyman who came down with high fever & dry cough on Saturday. He refuses to isolate himself. He's going to work. He invited me and my boyfriend over to dinner at their house, even though I'm still helping to take care of my sister who has uncontrolled asthma and is recovering from major cancer surgery. We didn't go but he gave my boyfriend plenty of shit about it. He invited my boyfriend's sister over too, who is a CNA in a major hospital...and she still went.

It's so aggravating to see someone who's a doctor have so little regard. Yes he has no symptoms, but I feel like it's pretty basic to isolate yourself for 14-days if you know you could've been exposed to someone else when they were asymptomatic.

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