My boyfriend is a wehraboo, what should I do?

It's incredibly toxic and idiotic, there are hundreds of threads I could link as examples, but if you want a basic idea look up an infidelity thread, it gives you the entire spectrum in one place. There are a few types of r/relationships posters.

1) The apologist, unable to emphasise with the person desiring advice. May attempt to convince the OP to reconcile with said cheating partner regardless of their personal feelings. A great way to begin a new, more toxic situation. Appears in infidelity threads for all genders, idiocy doesn't discriminate.

2) The physic, will immediately make shit up about the situation being presented, this kind of poster is incredibly obnoxious and will provide no useful advice or insight. You see them in breakup threads a lot, projecting what they think happened onto the OP to make them seem shitty. IE. Victim blaming a partner who was cheated on etc.

3) The individualist, break up, lawyer up, hit the gym. Every time no matter the situation, at least they give advice though I suppose.

Basically, going to r/relationships for relationship advice is liking asking a council of full time narcissists. I honestly believe that many people simply parrot what they hear from others and have no personal experience of their own.

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