My boyfriend's (23M) favourite pornstars look nothing like me (18F) and I feel like he's not attracted to me at all

You’re only 120lbs for 5’2. That means you’re probably small size in women’s clothing. Yet your boyfriend called you “curvy and thick”? What the hell?

Judging by your description of your looks, I can see you’re beautiful but don’t think you are. I’m twice of your age. Also 5’2. But 14 lbs heavier than you. But I still think I’m beautiful and I’m confident that I’m attractive. My husband tells me that and I truly believe it too. I like to dress up nicely and smile and look at people in their eyes.

Girl, you gotta love yourself. Your insecurity is damaging your mental health and your relationship. Look at yourself in a mirror in a well-lit room. Focus on the beautiful and not so beautiful parts of your face and body. Embrace all of them. Love your body and face. Know that there will be a lot of nicer guys who think you’re beautiful. But I think wearing a corset for 12+ hour is a bit much. Maybe you should talk to a therapist and find out the root of your insecurities.

Finally, you’re so young. Life is long. Don’t worry. You’ll become more mature and confident as time goes by, and you will ALWAYS be beautiful, even if you don’t think that right now.

/r/relationship_advice Thread