My breasts are disgusting and it is making me miserable

I'm part of the breast implant club! I was self conscious for years and was tired of people just telling me to 100% accept myself the way I was, as if I could just snap my fingers and everything would be okay. I realized I would never feel much better about them, so I decided to take the plunge and get surgery.

There are many options for financing. If you're in Canada you can do it on Medicard (although I think their interest rates are somewhat high), and taking out a line of credit is also a possibility. Some surgeons also offer payment plans. and are some great resources to check out.

Also just FYI, I would caution against doing a lot of "shopping around" for consults for two reasons: 1. Many of them aren't free. Usually the cost is factored in to your surgery but that obvious doesn't hold true for the doctors you didn't end up booking the surgery with 2. I've noticed people who shop around too much start to procrastinate and second guess themselves a lot.

My suggestion instead is to check out the doctor's websites and look at before/after photos, so you can see if they have experience with breasts like yours and have the same aesthetic preferences. Experience wise, the best indicator of an experienced surgeon is if they do revisions. Fixing other surgeons mistakes is something that is very difficult and requires a lot of expertise, many surgeons won't even do them. You can also get a feel for what their practice specialty is. For your needs I would recommend going to a doctor that specializes in or mostly performs breast surgeries, rather than a doctor who does equal amounts of all different kinds of surgery.

Most doctors will answer questions via email. Just contact their office staff and they may request that you email them photos of your breast as well as tell them about your goals and target look. It's not as good as an in-person consultation but at least it's free!

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread