My brother, the dumbass

Well, and this is in no way a criticism of you, but it isn't his responsibility to not be upset when your ED affects him.

While you cannot currently control your desire to binge, that doesn't change the fact that all of the cookies are gone.

I have ADHD, I interrupt people CONSTANTLY when I'm unmedicated. Is it my fault I'm incapable of keeping my gd mouth shut? No. Does that mean that I'm not being an asshole to people? Also no. Does it mean that they have to forgive me for the asshole behavior my mental illness brings into their lives? Also no.

He shouldn't have yelled, and it isn't your fault you binged on something he wanted to eat, but it also isn't unfair for him to be upset.

When we excuse negative behavior as unavoidable and uncriticizeable due to a mental illness, rather than being negative behavior cause by a mental illness that we need to address and explain to others, we're falling into a trap that makes us and the people around us more sick.

Own the fact that you bingeing affects others. You don't need to feel guilty about it, it isn't your fault. But ignoring it or excusing it as unavoidable or forgone keeps you in an unhealthy place.

I hope you find your way to recovery.

/r/fuckeatingdisorders Thread