My brother in law tried to kill my sister in law, and I’m grieving his loss.

Just be there for your sister in law. My mom was abused daily until i reached the age of 12. At one point my cousins came and ripped my dad out of bed and threatened to kill him if he ever touched my mom again. That didnt stop him tho. Me and my brother ended up fighting him one day he became beligerant drunk and that helped my mom escape and file for divorce. Even tho my dad started the fight he wanted to press charges on my brother because of the broken bones in his face. You think my moms side of the family would have been there for her during this time? Wrong, they stuck with my dad because he "had money" and my moms sister literally told her she shouldve just stayed for the money. I havent spoken to my father in over 12 years now. My mother had to raise 6 kids by herself. He owes her over $18,000 in alimony currently and we have never been able to overcome the struggle. She is truly my hero and her strength through all of this is why i am still here today. Life has been hard but we have managed

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread