My buddy caught an albino catfish yesterday. One in a million chance.

I'm genuinely interested in knowing what joy you receive from this behavior? Is it the thrill of outsmarting animals with amazingly inferior intelligence? If you're not doing it for food that means that you're doing it because you get some form of thrill out of the suffering and torturing of an animal. You know the suffering is real therefore it can't be anything else.

Fish that are caught and released have a much higher chance of dying relative to if you had never caught them in the first place. If their suffering is not in service to you getting food that is a dark and twisted source of enjoyment.

If I put a firecracker in a dog's mouth and it doesn't die and I let it go is that a suitable form of entertainment? After all, I'm not killing the dog and if I enjoy its suffering I'm doing the exact same thing you are.

The only difference between these scenarios being that you might view a dog differently than a fish, but both are animals and both are tremendously inferior to our intelligence. In both cases animal suffering would be the source of joy, but I'm not a sociopath so I don't take joy in torturing a dog. The fish you are torturing are no different than the hypothetical dog.

I should add that I would need to submerge the dog underwater for a period of time during that process so that it couldn't breathe.

Please explain to me how it's different. I already know that you can't, and the answer is that it's just more socially acceptable to torture fish. That doesn't make it any better. All types of abhorrent behavior have been socially acceptable in history, but those behaviors are still abhorrent.

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