My cats fucking suck

Damn dude... if my boyfriend let people trash me online and let Reddit armchair therapists call me a psychopath over not liking an aggressive, imposing cat that I never wanted, idk how I'd react. Not very well. That's shocking. I hope she deleted that post eventually, that's wildly inappropriate to let it get to that extent. People are allowed to dislike certain things without it making them bad people. I like to think I treat animals fairly and with respect, more so than most people even, but that being said, I would never get a cat for many reasons, and that shouldn't ever be reason enough for calling me a psychopath. I'm sorry you're dealing with this, and I can say from experience that harboring this kind of resentment for an animal you live with and feeling "trapped" in your situation is going to wear you thin, very fast. It might be time for a long discussion about keeping that cat or the future of your relationship if its causing you that much distress and discomfort in your own home, a place you should be able to feel welcome and comfortable. And to be honest, the cat deserves to live with someone who doesn't hate its very existence, I don't like cats personally but I would never want one to be owned by someone who didn't like it. Not saying you're a bad or neglectful owner, but it's not a beneficial relationship for either of you. It would be a win-win for both you and the cat. You get peace of mind, cat gets a cat friendly home. In the future, you should emphasize the responsibility and commitment that comes with owning a pet and be firm about making it a mutual decision. It seems like the thing has been passed around already, and very impulsive and irresponsible on your partners end for bringing animals home without your consent. That's not fair at all, and that definitely needs to be something you both decide on. It's a living creature, not an accessory, and consideration needs to be made for all parties involved. Good luck.

/r/ifuckinghatecats Thread