My colleague got a termination letter yesterday and I am feeling guilty because I complained about her to the boss.

You're free to correct me if I'm wrong but did you not post onto a public forum about a predicament you believe you'd contributed to and is it possible that not everyone will give you the positive feedback you wanted? Me, for example.

Two things, because one thing I can't abide is a mean girl acting like she doesn't know she's one and I'm bored 1). If you have no emotional attachment to her then how do you know anything about her personal life outside of work? 2). If you cared at all about a colleague losing their job because of unfortunate circumstances you're aware of, why would you make it worse for them unless you wanted the management role she was offered in the first sentence of your original post. And I didn't go all out on you at all, but I guess something you read in my post touched on a nerve for the defensive response I received. As they say in customer service, Have a nice day!

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