My coworker is going to be exposed to chicken pox and my brother and I have never been infected

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My coworker is going to be exposed to chicken pox and my brother and I have never been infected(self) 0 points submitted 48 minutes ago by TriceratopsCulture So, I'm probably an asshole in all of this, but hear me out. My coworker's sister is apparently setting an appointment to give her children chicken pox.... She believes vaccines are filled with aborted baby fetuses and it's not their responsibility if other adults around them are infected as a result. I have somehow managed to avoid catching it throughout my life, and I have a young brother whom I often babysit so this honestly makes me nervous. I have read up on it a little to research its contagiousness and it's spread through breathing and could take a week or two to show. This is something that could prevent me from going to work for weeks which I couldn't possibly afford. Is there any way to compel my employer to move me to another location while she is in the carrier window? From my understanding I can still catch it from her even if she doesn't have it. We work in an environment around lots of kids as well. Is this a liability for the company? It isn't healthcare or anything, but we work mainly with kids. VA

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