My crush sent me this and followed it up with a "lmao wym?" That I haven't opened yet. I dug myself in a hole here. (Wym = what do u mean)

Was just about Gemini season starting lol because he's a Gemini. My last post before this was about him, we've slept together and I've spent multiple nights at his house. I feel like neither of us wanted to put a label on us, just live in the moment but if he wanted to be with me, I feel like I would be with him. I just moved across the country to another state so it kinda changes everything, but he still texts me. would he still be texting me if I were just a booty call? & I've already met his friends and his sibling that he lives with. I just really can't tell if he's like. Ready for a relationship or if he does this with a lot of girls because he's really smooth with his words and I low-key don't trust that because I kinda have commitment issues. That was a lot to type lol sorry

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