My dad (57M) ghosted my sister (26F) and I (29F). Should I acknowledge his birthday?

I made the difficult decision to cut my father out around 4 years ago. I absolutely understand what you are going through. The guilt is incredible for at least the first year.

I feel like your situation is similar to mine. This 'ghosting' is not the reason you are cutting him out. Don't make your reasons that small. This ghosting is a final straw for years of emotional neglect and pain. He has consistently contributed to a difficult life for the children that he brought into this world. Fathers are not supposed to do this. They are supposed to contribute to your healthy and positive upbringing.

He chose to do this, as an adult, to his children. Now you are an adult, you can respond to this by protecting yourself. He is still contributing to your suffering and so is toxic to your life. Just because he is your father does not mean he gets to do this.

Stay strong- it gets easier.

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