my dad can’t put a sticker on his car

you’re literally doing the same thing. he has done awful things. in the first reply to you I implied that him not mandating masks is bad and him saying doctors can refuse care to some because of gender or sexuality is bad. you’re ignoring the fact that I’m telling you trump has done good things. I know he’s done terrible things but he’s also done good things. I don’t fully support trump but I support the good things he’s done and I don’t support the bad things. what I’m trying to say is people should not have to worry about having a sticker on there car. because maybe they are like me and support only the good things he’s done. I completely understand why you don’t like him but I’m just trying to say people should realize people sometime only support the good things he’s done. also I don’t really want to have a political debate with you. my apologies if anything I say offended you. I understand why you don’t like trump and you have every reason not too.

/r/teenagers Thread