My Dad literally just told me that the guy from church shootings (New Zealand) wasn't racist

Ok this I have to say the first step down a bad line. You just turned in your own father online. That is how that nazi shit started. Yes you might think that this is anonymous. But there is a good chance that someone can figure it out. Not saying what he said was good or bad, but what you have just done is. And yes I know that back then you could say anything online but you could tell your neighbor. Shit like this is whats getting people fired from their jobs today for having a different opinion then you all because you lost your cool didn't hear him out and try to reason his bad opinions out of him. You ran and told the world "MY DADS A RACIST" good on you. To me your worse then your dad and I don't agree with what he said.

/r/entitledparents Thread