There is either part of the story you are not telling us, or part of the story you don't know. They could be going through major problems - infidelity, infertility, mental illness, or other issues.
You say you have a business-like partnership, but you hang out with his bio-family, think you are entitled to coffee when really people just want to go home and live life rather than spend their custody time at your house, and think you can enforce wake-up times in someone else's house. You call her a 'big sister' which right there tells me you do not respect her as an adult capable of her own opinions and a full partner in your ex's house.
You restricted visitation, potentially for valid reasons but at the end of the day, that also has serious impacts on dad and daughter's relationship. Depending on how your ex processes these feelings, his new wife may resent you. Depending on why you divorced, she may resent you for causing him so much stress. The fact that they have EOW and spend four hours of that in the car rather than meeting halfway causes stress.
You collect child support money in front of the child - that is harmful in its own way, just set up a bank transfer.
And although I am sure your daughter is 100% perfect, she could be antagonistic towards her stepmom. Dad could be a Disneyland dad and stepmom removes herself from the situation because it is nonsense. Daughter may share things you say about her stepmom, such as here where you call her a bitter bitch - I am sure that is not the first time you've used that language, and I would not be surprised if it made it to the other house.
You not wanting to 'give in to spiteful behavior' may be a way of saying 'I don't want to compromise' and maybe she's tired of it. Her blocking your number may be because you text constantly and she just wants to enjoy a weekend with her family.
Basically, there are a lot of reasons this could be happening. All you can control is your side of it.
Everything stepmom is doing in this post, I did. To a T. Because BM thought she was entitled to 'friendship' which she defined as being the center of SO's universe while restricting his visitation and trash-talking him to the kids.