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Sierra this episode is one of the biggest and most selfish, self-entitled, cringy and obnoxious crybabies I’ve ever had the misery of watching. Now to go over the plot summary of this ordeal. Starting out in the previous episode, Cody tries to vote her out since he is rightfully creeped out and tired of her constantly stalking him, sexually harassing him, and even taking his personal belongings. Then unfortunately (big emphasis on unfortunately), she finds out no thanks to Chris McFuckwad, then nothing short of hell breaks loose. Sierra is supposedly heartbroken as if she’s confused on why Cody would do sUch 4 h0rR1fIc crime, even though 1) Cody had multiple moments of being very explicitly uncomfortable with her creepy antics (for obvious reasons), and 2) She actually showed to catch on to his discomfort at least one point. Yet the writers try to tell us that she was completely oblivious and thought Cody reciprocated her feelings for him. Hell, even Cody says at one point (here specifically) that he was pretending to not be annoyed by Sierra, despite multiple moments beforehand heavily contradicting that. Back to the present episode, Sierra spends most of the time throwing a tantrum, akin to a toddler being dragged out of a store after not getting the toy she wants. She is also a complete hindrance to her team as she just cries and mopes endlessly and does jack to contribute. This then prompts the rest of Team Amazon (whom I’ll get to later) to go after the guy who just tried to set his boundaries, instead of the worthless hemorrhoid crying a river all because she was too fucking stupid to take a hint. Hell, even Chris comes along and just berates Cody for not participating in the challenge instead of Sierra, after Cody is tasked by the rest of Team Amazon (in a very harsh fashion may I add) with trying to get her to stop crying and being so deadweight. She even pulls more five-year-old antics and acts incredibly difficult when Cody just tries to get his job over with, via the whole “L4L4L4L4lALaL4 1s s0m3bOdy tAlkIng!1!1?” bullcrap. As if things aren’t bad enough for poor Cody, Chris just purposely makes things harder on him by prompting a musical against his wishes. Sierra then sings this extremely fucking dumb shitass song about how Cody “““““betrayed”””” her. Granted, the music itself isn’t terrible. But just when I think listening to her crying makes pouring Sulfuric Acid in my ears seem less painful, her lyrics during this song are somehow 10 times worse. She spends the vast majority of the song trashing on Cody and treating him like he’s worse than Hitler, Chris, and Satan combined, for the horrific atrocity of being understandably creeped out by her. While pretty much the whole song is pure cancer, the most agonizing part is where she goes all feminazi at one point and has the absolute gall to make it a generalization that all men are backstabbers who can’t be trusted, and “w1ll tR3aT u l1kE 4 t0Y”. What makes this even more infuriating is that it was literally the other way around with her and Cody, which makes her also look straight-up hypocritical on top of further proving how much of a complete dumbass she is. I won’t even give her credit for this following zinger, since it still revolves around how much of a self-entitled twat she is. Oh yeah, most of the other Team Amazons also suck this episode. Now I do kinda get why they wanted to keep Sierra around instead of just threatening to vote her off, since she has proven to be very useful to the team in the past. But either way, they didn’t have to be super hostile to Cody about it. Plus they still victim-blame the shit out of him, which is disgusting regardless. Courtney doesn't actually chew Cody out like Heather and Gwen, but she still really enables them all the while giving Cody her share of nasty glares. The only character I’ll give more of a pass is Gwen, considering Cody was a creep to her numerous times. And Sierra did make a deal with her that involved her not being nice to Cody. But on the other hand, Courtney and especially Heather both suck here. Anyways, towards the end, Cody finally gets fed up with Sierra, and very mercifully shuts her up. This would have been a perfect time for him to tear her whiny bitch ass to shreds (and hell, honestly the rest of the Amazons for that matter) before telling her to fuck off. But I guess the writers were especially determined to make the resolution as infuriating as possible, since we get...this instead. Cody is apparently too spineless to stand up to Sierra, just lets her go back to constantly harassing him, and even claims that he actually likes it. And this moment gets treated like a good thing by everyone, giving off one of the worst messages possible. Then just when I think Sierra can't get any more insufferable, we then find out in this following confessional that...she’s been faking the whole time. Like putting aside how it somehow makes her 100 times more of a pinworm than she already was, this moment barely even makes any sense. The writers maintained the whole narrative even from the last episode that she had no idea why Cody voted her off and that she was heartbroken, which just makes this following confessional very contradictory. But that’s not to say the narrative the writers tried to go with most of the other time worked either, for reasons I've already explained. All in all, it's actually impressive how much Sierra manages to suck enormous donkey hair-dildos in every way possible here. She’s extremely obnoxious, she's absolutely despicable, and she is incredibly embarrassing and pathetic all-around. She gets tons of biased writing thrown her way while Cody gets victim-shamed to a degree I thought was impossible. The rest of the Amazons get butchered to varying degrees with Cody getting dumbed down to oblivion, all so this crybaby bitch can get what she wants at the end of the day. And what could have actually been a step towards character development for her ends up being sacrificed so the godawful stalking """""gag""""" can continue and go on to plague the majority of the season, since we apparently haven't gotten enough of Cody getting repeatedly sexually harassed and violated already. On top of all of this, the writers can’t even make her fucking consistent. So yeah, that’s all my problems with Sierra this episode. And it only took close to two whole ass pages on Google Docs to talk about it

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