My doc insists keto is bad because I am older - how do I respond

I think I have a pretty controversial view of what many doctors think.

Although there are so many studies done showing how bad sugar and high carbohydrates diets are, there are many many more bogus studies from the 90’s of how low fat diets are the real secret to weight loss. But it didn’t start from the 90’s it, it started from the 60’s with how grain production and the government got into bed and started pumping out doctors advocating for grains as a source of good nutrition.

From there high carb diets became the staple and the obesity epidemic began. Before that many people most likely were likely eating keto diets as sugar and high carb foods were actually not nearly as prevalent. Additionally are people 3 or fewer meals without snacking which is what we now call intermittent fasting.

As obesity rose so did the rates of diabetes and a slew of other issues like high blood pressure, all kinds of gut issues, and a bunch of other health issues which we now know are tied to high carb diets. As science improved, rather than addressing the root cause, medicine started to push forward treatment of symptoms. This giving rise to the pharmaceutical industry.

So now we have a bunch of doctors who are pushed to treat disease based on tons of studies done by pharma and special interest organizations. The other thing about these studies is most of the time they don’t look at a wholistic view of how body works. It’s more like if you have high blood pressure, this pill will lower it by adjusting how your body works. The fundamental assumption in medicine is that human body’s are dumb and they do things randomly so we need to fix them.

I believe we have evolved so that our body’s are incredibly intelligent and do thing like raise blood pressure for specific reasons. Not saying all diseases is this but I think a vast majority of things we current treat can be easily fixed by adjusting diet and putting our body’s in a state they have evolved to be for over a 100k years.

Hell, even things like poor dental health and braces. Archeologist have found almost not cases of cavities or misaligned teeth in ancient humans because the diet of fibrous foods actually expands the jaw, which is why wild animals don’t need braces.

Anyway, I’m not a doctor or even we’ll read but I’ve been trying to read up on why we as human beings even have ketosis and it’s a very interesting rabbit hole. So I’m convinced that it is supposed to be our normal metabolic state and fasting is also a huge part it. The way we live and eat is killing us and we have so many people and companies profiting off it.

What if we discover that the cure to most of the things that are killing us is actually to eat once every few days, avoid processed foods and eat low carb? Do you realize how many companies would go broke because you can’t make money off fasting?

Anyway, this probably isn’t helpful. I think try and get a doctor that supports you and check in with yourself to see how you’re feeling. Nothing is a cure all and it’s always different for each individual. At some point, we just need to look at ourselves and say “I’ve tried it this way for all my life and it making my life worse, maybe I should give keto/fasting a try”

/r/keto Thread