My doctor told me it's a well known fact that AMH decreases well before FSH. He is therefore stumped

Deep breaths. It's scary and confusing. We also have to do IVF due to MFI and I remember the panic that came from our phone call to go over each of our diagnosis and fertility outlook.

I'll admit, his concern is a little perplexing to me. But I am not a doctor. Does your clinic have "standards" they require before doing IVF? Is that what he is getting at? Either way, you are 26 and still have a good AMH. I would do everything I could to take advantage of that. I wouldn't trust that my body could give me babies into my 30s.

With respect to menopause, I get it. I often have some of the same questions. My doctor told me that the best indication of your menopause age is to look at your mom and her sisters. That the bloodwork can give them ideas, but every woman is different. Some woman will have only a few months before their AMH/FSH levels decrease, and others will stall out at abnormal levels for a couple of years.

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