My dog left me a surprise. Glad I'm starting today off on a good note.

OCD is actually characterised by intrusive thoughts, the 'compulsion part' is something the sufferer does to prevent anxiety from the intrusive thoughts, or to lessen anxiety but to no avail. And not all people with OCD have compulsions! Some live inside their own scary brains. For example, someone may check their locks, plugs, Cooker etc out of the fear that their house will burn down or be burgled. They may check and check. This is something someone without OCD May do also, check locks a few times and then comfortably leave the house without another thought. The OCD sufferer however can't let go even after completing the compulsion and bad thoughts will follow them around like a black cloud. Another OCD sufferer may check their tyres and bumpers for blood after going out in their car because they're convinced they hit someone although they did not and have no memory of doing so. They'll be satisfied after checking, enter their house, sit down with a cuppa to watch tv and bam, they'll be doubting whether they checked the car for blood, did they hit someone and out they go to check the car again. And again. And again. And it doesn't stop. Someone who is tickled somethings out of order, fixes it and then is satisfied is either just plain old human, or if we choose to label it with a disorder, ocpd. Ocpd is like OCD, difference is that the anxiety is overwhelming until the action is performed, then they gain relief, however to feel good they may repeat over and over. It's also debilitating illness and tbh, I've probably done it a disservice explaining what it is, because it's probably worse and mo're in-depth than I make out. I have OCD. I've never just been tickled by something. Usually terror comes before my compulsions. So if my compulsion was rearranging CDs, I'd be doing it to prevent something bad. See where I'm going? Its not tickly, minor or major OCD, doesn't matter, it's an anxiety disorder. Not a funny disorder of cleanliness, and neither is ocpd. Also, I'm an old dear, I've lived with it all my life and I don't get offended by the i'm so OCD crowd and my favourite OCD joke is "I'm so metal I have OC-DC".

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