My drops don't feel full?

Does anyone have good tutorial suggestions? At best I am looking for a series I can follow. I don't need the most basic of things. I know I said I was producing for 3 weeks. But that was a start up. I used to produce a few years ago and learned a ton of basics. So I am an advanced beginner per say. I know the basics. I know how to create melodies. I'm looking for the more fine detail tutorials. Like making a piece come together. I just watched a video and he was almond about how white. Lise played, then the clap helped tie it together into with the melody and then the reverse noise filled the gap to start t all over again. Like I want those fine details! I have the basic overview. I can automate, chords, melody, bass. Etc.

I don't know what to specifically ask for. My situation is so weird.

Also, thank you for the help everyone! I took some suggestions and my drop has defiantly popped out more. I cut the low ends on my synths and it really helped with the buildup to drop full sound.

/r/edmproduction Thread