My drug use finally caused me to lose my friends, my family, and, most likely, my job. And I deserve it all.

Fuck ya you deserve it all. There's people on here saying shit like "o man it's ok it's not that bad" they're fucking stupid and they don't actually give a fuck about if you get better. Welcome to rock bottom. Some people say rock bottoms the easiest place to bounce back from especially if you hit it as 900 mph but they're wrong cause rock bottom doesn't actually exist. You can always go lower. Rock bottoms just the place you say enough is enough I'm sick of being shit and I want to get better. So that being said welcome to rock bottom. You can only go up from here.

Set goals and don't quit. You're going to feel like shit for a really long time and there's no escaping it and if you try you'll fuck your life up even more but there's a better life on the other side of the pain so don't fucking quit take it like a man and remember you got yourself to this point and only you can get yourself out.

/r/confession Thread