Why do my Duplicants prefer the worst possible food?

...Consequences? Which consequences? The loss of a small amount of entirely renewable resources, perhaps, though even that can be mitigated by a change in base layout? Please, don't patronize me about something so meaningless. Feeding my Duplicants meal lice costs me nothing except morale. And they do not have enough skill points to be low on morale yet.

I gave you a deliberately flippant answer because your post contributed nothing to the discussion about why Duplicants behave as they do. Instead of even attempting to get into that, you told me to farm something else.

That is not the point. It was never the point. I'm not in danger of losing my colony. Nor am I so helpless as to be unable to figure out a solution if, for some unfathomable reason, using meal lice actually should result in a colony-threatening problem. The point was understanding Duplicant behavior and examining potential ways of influencing it. The large majority of people here managed to understand that just fine, and offered a number of interesting insights and things to try out.

So no, yours is not the best answer. It is among the worst ones, because it fails to even acknowledge (much less address) the actual topic.

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